
Currently waiting for my flight at the newly opened Oldtown Kopitiam in KLIA. The view of the restaurant here overseeing the flying ground is rather pleasant. However, I could also say that the service here is all but efficient. They are using the numbering system, whereby you make your order, pay for it, and wait for your number to be out on the screens before collecting your meal, more or less like a bank.

Ah, I miss O’Briens. However, my aircraft this trip is not over at the other side, hence, settling on this shop over here.

3 days in Jakarta coming up, my last? I’m not so sure. Nonetheless, I’m sure things will change pretty soon for me, for the better I certainly hope.

In the Meantime

Am currently waiting for my nuggets to be baked. Hence, in the meantime…

Got to wake up early to have companion in church, something I find really important. Imagine going to church alone, it’s kind of boring you know. Yea, I will agree that going to church is a personal matter between you and God, but sometimes, it is the friends you have in church that encourage you to be there with them, FOR God.

Had my breakfast with the Lam family except KL and the dad. Ordered a Thosai (ironically, if you pronounced it in Hokkien, it means pouring shit). Had to remind the Ah-Ne I want is garing, sangat garing, because I hate it being soft, might really taste like sai in the end if soft.

Fun fact on Thosai. While writing this, I took the time to wiki Thosai. This is the introduction of it:

The dosa (Tulu,Kannada: ದೋಸೆ, Tamil: தோசை, Telugu: దోసె, Malayalam: ദോശ) is a crêpe made from rice and black lentils. It is a typical dish in South Indian cuisine, eaten for breakfast or dinner, and is rich in carbohydrates and protein. It is generally believed that dosa had its roots in the Temple Streets of Udupi, Karnataka. Dosa is also noted in the Tamil Sangam Literature from 100 BC to 300 AD (“idaichangam” literature) and later, around 6th century AD. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dosa)

Interesting to find out it’s such an old delicacy.

Oh, here comes the ringing of the oven. Got to go! 🙂

Here it Goes again

I’m MIA, once again, just like the season, I’m finally back after a 3 month lapse.

Life has been tough, but well, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

After here and there and everywhere. Had some of the best moments in my life.

And it does not seem like stopping. Here goes:

  • To Jakarta next week!
  • To JB in a fortnight!
  • Lastly, Shanghai in 3 weeks…

And if things fall into places, I might even go some other places I’ve never been.

A shout out to the Big Guy above for His wonderful blessings, also His protection throughout my journey of life.

Have been growing closer to Him by trying my utmost best to keep to a devotion and lots of prayers plus trust in Him.

All’s well, for now 🙂


She’s coming back, after a long never-seem-to-come-too-soon week. Well, back not meaning literally in KL, but at least somewhere I could contact her as per usual. Can’t wait 🙂

The decision to go prayer meeting last night was a good call by all means. The encouragement by some people, eg. Cmdr YY who came over and said “Do you know that we don’t have life group meeting today?”. Lol, I’ll take that as a statement of encouragement. You see, normally I won’t attend prayer meeting unless there’s a life group meeting after that. So, I guess she was kind of surprised, even perplexed, to see me yesterday.

Was feeling quite down the whole week, due to some particular person not around (yes, you) and the future ahead that looks unclear. I needed something, something that could make me feel life is more than itself. And during worship, when some of the songs were sung, I felt deeply convicted of my purpose in this world. There was this one song that made my eyes teared while singing (can’t remember the song title), but it sings about us giving out our hearts to God while we are on earth. I just feel like breaking down, but thank God KM came over halfway and I managed to hold myself together, haha.

May this not be just another feel-good temporal factor, something that always happen to me, but a great desire and burden to live for God, and not for any other purposes. For when we seek first the kingdom of God, all other things shall be given unto us (Matt 6:33)

Had a drink with the ranger gang, joined by Cmdr Jim and Cmdr Sasha this time round. We’re going to Tahan next year!! Well, they asked me to organized and i duly did so by volunteering to drive them to the start point and fetch them back, haha. But no, I would love to go again. The great bonding time and all the experience, is simply priceless.

Going for a 12km run tomorrow in Klang with my Bar. Not prepared, but all things are possible through Christ, our strength. Hoping for some physical strength too, which is very much-needed.

Time oh time may you swiftly pass by now 🙂

Happy Birthday!!

To the guy who taught me the art of flirting…

To the guy who spent 3 years crapping with me each time we met…

To the guy who had more flings than any other guys in Uni…

Blessed birthday!!


He’s gonna go all berserk if he sees this, haha…

Sorry la bro, this is the only presentable photo i could find from facebook.. haha..

Have a great 24th!

Hot Rangers’ LifeGroup! :)

Dear all, may I present to you, RR Commanders LG…

*drum rolls*


Honestly, the cardboard was a bit unclear. I’ve edited it and it looks something like this:


Hansel’s pretty much hooked onto JS’ videos and can’t take them off his mind, lol. He’s taking Janice, and Kah Leong’s taking Sonia. None left for me, but it’s fine as I’ve still got my LPZ, hahaha…

It was a simply ceremony held after the sermon was preached in the evening service.


Our very own Life Group leader in uniform, just as us. I think she’s got the most cheer from us bunch when going up to receive the letter of appointment 🙂

We should have said “yayayaya” instead of cheering la, lol.

As usual, some poser pics (very very usual) after the ceremony. It was kept to an utmost minimal.


I see this as a very nice promotional photo to get people to join us.

Wait wait, maybe this is better.


Pre-requisites to join us:

  • Be a KL#1 Commander
  • Lame
  • Even lamer
  • As we are already hitting the quota for guys, we regret to inform that only females applications will be considered

So, what are you waiting for? Join us and be physically, spiritually, mentally and socially filled? 🙂


Just in case you can’t see her face at the previous post, this is it:


Here you go, the culprit and me.

Ahh, some people might say the photo’s a bit too small, tak nampak muka.

No worries, I’ve got another photo of her caught in mischief again.



1, 2, 3, Dance!

My groin was aching like mad after the dance practice yesterday. Had to do high kicks which were really taxing on me, not like I’m super flexible.

But i’ll… take it… as a… challenge…..

And oh, am starting to train for my upcoming 12KM run in Klang. Started quite well with a routine 3 plus km run at the gym earlier today. Hope to pace it up to the usual 6-7km run around Dutamas by end of the week.

With futsal tomorrow, I’m crossing my fingers that I will be injure myself in any way.


The inconsiderate Singapore PR


Australia-nised Koreans

Was shown to this by a friend of mine, whose main purpose was to tell me the girl at the left looked very similar with her:

At certain angle, yea, he was right, but i think she is prettier, haha!

I like the last part of this vid, whereby they had a snippet of chipmunks version of the song, pretty cool.

After absorbing the hype that she looks like a youtube star, only did I realised these girls could really sing.

Check out this next vid:

Their voice is really nice and sweet. Am really impressed with Sonia’s ability to both play guitar and sing so well, very admirable.

Oh by the way, they named themselves JS, which stands for Janice and Sonia. They are Koreans raised up in Sydney, Australia and are twins aged 23 (same as me!).


p/s: waiting for her to call me now 🙂

pp/s: will be having both LMA training and Christmas dance training this Sunday at the same time. Can’t decide which to attend and which to miss 😦

The D36 Incident

Thanks to my great ability of time estimation, I was really late for my flight back from the Lion City.

The closing of the check in time was 45 minutes before departure time but I only got there 30 minutes before time. And that was already because I ran my way from the MRT to the SkyTrain and all the way to the counter, with my pants constantly dropping off because it was too loose.

The check in counter lady informed me that the check in period has closed and was reluctant to get me in. And there was I, at my best, doing the sympathetic look and constantly panting to create the pathetic look. At the end, she finally gave in and checked me in. Thank God!

Next up, it was the immigration department to stamp the passport. According to the flight ticket, I’ll need to be at the gate 20 minutes before departure time, and it was 25 minutes before departure time that I was still stuck in my line, which is particularly slow because the officer was taking his own sweet time doing his job, while other lines were much quicker. I was again, very stressed up that I wouldn’t make it in time. Then, there was a lady, quite a pretty one (not all pretty girls are bad okay), who offered me her place in line. She asked whether I was in a hurry and realised that was the case when she saw my ticket. Quickly, I was able to pass through and I thank her countlessly before rushing off to the gate.

And came the highlight of the day. I was on quick steps walking towards Gate D36. I chose not to run this time as I was afraid my pants might just fall down and I might have trouble with the airport cops for attempting to be a flasher. Flight was 4:10 and I reached the gate at 3:51. I thought being late by 1 minute wouldn’t matter. But to my utmost horror, the gate was already closed! I was shell shocked, thinking all my efforts were wasted. No aircrafts were seen nearby too, giving me the thought that the aircraft has left. Devastated as I am, my mind was quickly thinking of alternatives I could take to get back.

Just as all hopes seem to be gone, I had a last look at my ticket. And all glory to God, I found out that my gate was actually D35 instead of D36!  I hurried myself to that gate. Lo and behold, the gate was still opened and I managed to get in the boarding room!

The best thing of all, the aircraft came late by almost an hour. Crap.

Lesson learnt.


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